First, physicians, physical therapists, and administrators need to welcome the concept of PT’s actively participating in the recommendation and understanding of radiologic studies and modalities. If MD’s , managerial staff and even PT’s are not willing to open the doors to this collaborative participation it is very unlikely this implementation occurs.
From a clinical/educational perspective, the same above mentioned groups need to facilitate for physical therapists to pursue …show more content…
I am planning to use these peers (and myself when I finish this course) as “musculoskeletal imaging cheerleaders” providing in-services, modeling collaborating with MD’s re: these studies, having materials and resources available in the therapy department, sharing continuing education opportunities in this clinical area when available and promoting research readings on the topic. These are exciting times in our profession. We have evolved from the days of teaching somebody how to use crutches (nothing wrong with that) to becoming major decision makers and active participants in areas such as public health, education, clinical interventions, and research initiatives.
Donald, J., Barnard, S. 2011. Common Patterns in 558 Diagnostic Radiology Errors. Retrieved from
Guly, H. 2000, Emergency Medical Journal, Diagnostic Errors in an Accident and Emergency Department
Mckinnis, L. 2014 Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Imaging Fourth Edition. Philadelphia, PA: F.A.Davis