Although movies and dramas has been illustrating lower class fantasy to reach up towards the higher class by marring a wealthy person, it’s difficult to see this kinds of situations. Forming a family isn’t about choosing your best friend, it’s about forming a life time (mostly) evidence which deals with the future generations heritage. However, despite the fact that class can be maintained or what it takes to reach the desired class, it doesn’t change the fact that gender inequality is stopping. In other words, such roles for “mothers” are still limited and stereotyped.
As the data showed an increase in numbers of female headed household leading towards the evidence of feminization poverty, deals with income discrimination, gender employment ratio, and again, it was was highlighted as a major issue affecting Korea’s poverty issue. These kinds of issues not only creates inequality but greater difference in level where it’s impossible to compare to. Overall, it’s sad to see how this is becoming a fact, so it is important to realize that before gender we are people, and as an society we have to survive together for our life in