Distinction 1 - Evaluate different sociological explanations for patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups.
There are many different factors that can increase your chance of becoming ill and dying. The different factors are social class, gender, age and ethnicity. The different social groups I will look at are social class and gender. I am going to look into how these affect health; I will also explain the pattern and trends. I am using gender because it fits in with the sociological perspective feminism and social class fits in with Marxism.
Social class is how people are ranked based on their occupation, education, income and surroundings (where they live). People claim that the higher their social class the wealthier they are and if they are in a lower social class then they aren’t as wealthy and most probably live in a lower class area. Poverty and inequality are closely linked together and have an effect on a person’s social, physical and mental well-being.
The social class also has an impact on infant mortality rate; this is because children are born to poorer parents that live in poor conditions, these children are more likely to get illnesses or worst case scenario they could die. People from a higher social class are less likely to die of conditions such cancer, heart disease and strokes. People that live in a higher social class tend to live longer than others.
Individuals that live in deprived areas have a very different lifestyle to higher class people. Individuals in the lower social class are more likely to smoke, less likely to have a good education and more likely live in poverty for their life. This is because they have been brought up like this and they will probably carry on living their life like this. It tends to work out that someone that isn’t deprived have a better