The million of innocent lives claimed by acts of terror, have never been acceptable. Terrorist are destroying our nation and we can’t combat it because torture is not an option. We must now choose a side of allowing them american rights or taking advantage of a useful tactic. The tactic (Torture) would ensure we have information in the time frame needed, it has a history of being efficient, and It will save thousands of lives.
Imagine a ticking Bomb, We would need to get this information quickly to save those lives. Torture would forsure get it faster than just merely talking.In “Does torture work” by Martin robbins; it states”one could easily conclude that coercive methods are not only effective, but also substantially more …show more content…
It has been used in Ancient rome, greece, england and many more big places. In waterboarding works by josh gillin he says “The committee examined 20 prominent cases (including Zubaydah) that reportedly "saved lives," according to the CIA and the Bush administration. Some of these cases specifically cited waterboarding as a tactic used”. These are 20 cases that have came to the aid of millions of lives. It specifically shows that this has worked time and time again and 20 different cases it worked. These are people's lives that could have been put in history but have been …show more content…
“Fifty-three percent of Americans say the CIA’s harsh interrogation of suspected terrorists produced important information that could not have been obtained any other way”. This shows that most americans believe in the tactic because they understand the common good. There was times in american history, where torture could have been more effective. Our people as a majority, would feel safer if we tortured these men for the safaety of our citizens.It may cause disturbances but it is effective in saving thousands of