To establish promotion guidelines for all Nursing Employees who are qualified based on the criteria written in the job description of a vacant position.
This guideline applies to all nursing employees that are considered for promotion.
The Nursing and Patient Care Services’ promotion guideline is open, transparent, fair, consistent, and non discriminatory process which involves the participation of relevant personnel and authority
1. Promotion of employee can be done vertically and laterally. Vertical promotion is applied when the employee change from his/her previous rank or position to a higher rank/position. Lateral Promotion is applied when there is no change in rank/position but only in the job description whether in the same of other …show more content…
2. Employees to be promoted shall apply through submission of written application letter to his/her immediate superior. Curriculum Vitae of the employee shall be attached in the application letter.
Immediate superior shall evaluate the employee using the updated Competency Based Performance Evaluation (CBE) Form and Annual Performance Appraisal Form within the past three months. An employee must have an Annual Performance Appraisal score of above 3.25 and CBE of Very Good for promotion recommendation and must not have a previous Annual Performance Appraisal score of 2.99 and below for the last 3 years.
4. Immediate superior shall coordinate with Nursing Education and Research Department to certify that the employee who applied for promotion has completed the mandatory trainings.
5. Clinical Department Manager shall write remarks related to his/her promotion in Competency Based Evaluation Form.
6. Immediate superior and Clinical Department Manager shall write separate Letter of Recommendation if he/she satisfied with the evaluation of the available requirements.
7. The following summary of requirements shall be validated by the Clinical Department Manager before submitting to Executive Secretary of Vice of President of Nursing and Patient Care Services:
a. Application Letter
b. Curriculum Vitae
c. Performance Appraisal Form
d. Competency Based Performance Evaluation
e. Letter of Recommendation
8. An employee for promotion will undergo panel and/or one on one interview with the VP of Nursing and Patient Care Services.
All Clinical Department Manager/ Nurse Manager for promotion must undergo panel interview. After passing the panel interview, they will proceed to the final interview with the VP of Nursing and Patient Care Services.
Staff 3 to Specialist 4 is not required to undergo panel interview but will proceed to the interview with the VP of Nursing and Patient Care Services during their 5th Month Evaluation.
9. HRMDD – Organization Development and Policy will review the eligibility of the employee whether his/her promotion is accepted or deferred.
10. Promoted employee shall received Notice of Promotion and copy of new Job Description from HRMDD – Organization Development and Policy
11. Accepted employee for promotion shall undergo a maximum of six (6) months probationary period (promo-probee) and be evaluated on the 3rd and 5th month on his/her new job.
• It is the responsibility of the Nurse Manager to promote qualified employee.
• It is the responsibility of the Clinical Department Manager to facilitate the promotion of the employee.
• It is the responsibility of the Executive Secretary to review all the submitted set of document in conformance with the promotion guidelines.
• It is the responsibility of the Workforce Officer to assess, validate, and announce vacant position.
The Office of the Vice President of Nursing and Patient Care Services and Nursing Workforce Management, Budget and Informatics (NWMBI) Department reviews this policy every three (3) years or earlier as necessary.