Title: Globalisation a force for good?
“Globalisation as an economic process is often
Characterised as increasing economic integration
Achieved through the increasingly free flow of
Capital, goods and services and people across
National boundaries” (John Humphrey 2004)
With regards to the above definition of globalization, the general implication is that globalization solely benefits private sectors entities, where as it can be seen detrimental to vulnerable societies. I disagree with this definition to a certain extent, globalization as an inevitable natural phenomenon has a positive effect on global trade, integration, though multinational corporations and First world countries are usually the beneficiaries.
The Essay will focus on the different factors Globalization has an influence on, culturally, financially and politically. The essay will look at and cover different advantages and disadvantages of each factor specifically and each paragraph will be grouped to one factor exclusively, the essay will be widely cited. Main Body
Paragraph One
Topic sentence: Culture aspect of globalisation
When looking at culture, the paragraph will primarily try to split culture into pro and cons while also taking into account the stance taken on the essay, and will look to provide further supporting evidence to support the position taken.
When looking at the impact technology has had on globe with relation to globalisation, we look at accelerated integration, through the development of fibre optics, the internet and mobile technology, this has spawned the spread of people’s ideas and trade, this will continue to offer enormous potential for poverty as discussed by (Ian Goldin, 2012). This statement is closely linked to the one prior, “acceleration in the degree and intensity of the connections among different Cultures and different regions. This is mainly due to advances in telecommunication” as stated
Bibliography: 1. 2005, Is globalisation a force for good, BBC, Available from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/4534519.stm, (accessed 13 Feb 2014) 2. Panos Mourdoukoutas, 2011,Forbes, The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Side Of Globalization http://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2011/09/10/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-side-of-globalization/(accessed 14 Feb 2013) 3. Ian Goldin,2012, The Globalist, Globalization: The Good, The Bad and the Uncertain Globalization: The Good, The Bad and the Uncertain ,Available from: http://www.theglobalist.com/globalization-the-good-the-bad-and-the-uncertain/(accessed 15 Feb 2013) 4. John Humphrey,2004, Globalisation and Poverty, IDS Bulletin, Vol 35 ,No 1,pp.111 5. Rudra N., Jensen N. M. (2011). Globalization and the politics of natural resources. Comparative Political Studies, 44, 639-648 6. Phillips-Donaldson, D. 2003, "Globalization: Good for quality?", Quality Progress, vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 6. 7. Doku, P. N., Oppong Asante, K. (2011). Identity: Globalization, culture and psychological functioning. International Journal of Human Sciences Volume 8 ,Issue 2 8. John Tomlinson,1999, Globalization and Culture, Cambridge: Polity Press 9. Nick Beasly,2007,Rethinking Globalisation, New York: Palgrave Macmillan