1. Title: How Job Characteristics Model reduces specialized job dissatisfaction?
2. Thesis Statement: Specialized job can overcome boredom and low job satisfaction with Job Characteristics Model (JCM).
3. Outline:
Introduce job design and its three vital related concepts, which are job specializations; job rotation, enlargement and enrichment; Job characteristics Model (JCM)
Describe what will write in following paragraph (Roadmap)
Main Body
Paragraph 1
Introduce job specialization
Illustrate the reason why company use this method in job design (give an example)
Paragraph 2
Explain what Job Characteristics Model (JCM) is (very detailed)
Paragraph 3
Explain how JCM reduce low job satisfaction to specialized job
Paragraph 4
Use an example to illustrate this model in a more clear way
Paragraph 5
Quote some existing research to explain JCM is useful
Summary what the essay has written
Draw a conclusion that JCM can be applied to overcome job dissatisfaction to specialized job
4 References:
Darren Lee-Ross (2005), Perceived Job Characteristics and Internal Work Motivation, Journal of Management Development, Vol.24, No.3 pp.253-266.
James R. Maxwell (2008), Work System Design to Improve the Economic Performance of the Firm, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 432-446
Steven J. Kass1, Stephen J. Vodanovich, and Jasmine Y. Khosravi, Applying the job characteristics model to the college education experience, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 2011, pp. 56 – 68.
Williams, C & McWilliams, A 2010, Management and Organization Behavior, Asia Pacific Edition, Cengage Learning, Melbourne