Even though many would argue this, there are several factors that support this recognition. For one thing, illnesses nowadays may not always be desencadenate by biological factors, but by psychological and behavioural ones as well, such as an unealthy diet or habbit. Concerning this, psychologists are professionals that can help in terms of both mental and behavioural health, which is extremely relevant and necessary when helping people to modify their behaviours in order to prevent the risk of diseases, which as explained above, turns out to be the aim of health science.
In addition to all of this, not only has it advantages in terms of efficacy but ,equally important in an era where the cost of health care continue to rise, it also has economic ones, since it has been proven to be the science that offers most cost effective healthcare (American Psychological Association, 2013).
Even if there is no doubt that psychologists have an important and decisive role when it comes to treating mental health, several adaptations should be made if they want to be embrace by the healthcare community. Not only will they have to diversify and expand their professional skills, but they will also have to get used to communicate and collaborate with a broad range of other healthcare professionals (Johnson, 2012).
So even if psychology still has a long way to go, there is no doubt that it offers more benefits that set backs to the development of this science. So even if it takes a bit more time to finally be established as one, there is no doubt that we will be hearing of psychology as a health science in a near future.
References: Anderson, N. B. (2002). Psychology as a health profession. American Psychological Association; 34(3): 9. Bennett Johnson, S. (2012). Psychology 's paradigm shift: from a mental health to a health profession? American Psychological Association; 43(6): 5. Home. About APA. Government Relations. Advocacy Issues. Psychology is a behavioral and mental health profession. (2013). Available at: http://www.apa.org/about/gr/issues/health-care/profession.a