What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping?
Discrimination is the act of using your prejudices, to treat others unequally because of different categories of categories they belong to such as, ethnicity, age, or gender. Everyone has natural tendency to be bias by stereotyping and prejudice; however when one acts upon these or promote their prejudices, then that is considered discrimination. Stereotyping is similar to prejudice, but than discrimination is different because it is not an action. Discrimination is an action based on prejudice and stereotypes. When it all comes down to it, one is an action based on a thought and the other is thought process only and does not invoke physical actions.
What are the causes of discrimination?
The cause of discrimination, can come from many different places. Firstly, in our human nature, we want to identify and belong to a group or group of people. If there is someone or something different then our own preferences, it is easy to become prejudice or prejudge, which can then lead to discrimination. Thus, discrimination can come from or be influenced by our human nature. Another common cause of discrimination, is one that is learned or taught by someone else. Growing up in a racist society, can cause one to discriminate. Lastly, discrimination can come from a negative experience one saw or had with someone different that themselves.
How is discrimination faced by one identity group (race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability) the same as discrimination faced by another? How are they different?
Two cultures that face very similar discrimination, is the Black and Hispanic/Latino cultures. Both of these cultures tend to be lively and have very expressive music as well as food and dance preferences. However, both currently face and have faced, extreme prejudice and discrimination. Event's in the last fifty years, such as the civil rights movements of the 50's, L.A. Riots, and racial profiling laws in Arizona, all demonstrate discrimination towards these two cultures. However, while the discrimination directed at both these cultures is similar, there are differences. Much of the discrimination that hispanic culture faces, has to do with immigration. On the other hand Black culture faces more of a discrimination about their social standing and where they belong in society.