Alex Amaral
English III
Ms. Sipars
21 December 2014
Designer Babies For the Future Parents care for their children and always want the best for them, this children’s author knows that, “Most of us would do more for our babies than we have ever been willing to do for anyone, even ourselves.” Polly Berrien Berends, a children’s author and editor, expresses the love and willingness that parents have towards their children. The issue of designer babies today is in the hands of the FDA, right now they are deciding if it’s too much of an ethical issue for society to grasp. As a supporter of the idea, genetically modified babies will not only improve newborn children’s health from diseases, but also have the specifications to change certain features of the child. Modifying babies sounds like such a farfetched futuristic idea, when in reality, today is the future. The technology is all here, and if we don’t utilize these advancements now while we have them, we may never get a chance to do so. With the practice of genetically modified babies, life will improve for the future. Genetically Modified Babies will improve human health and prevent many diseases.
With much conducted research and such little testing, the scientific community states that
“genetic screening on embryos has potential to wipe out genetic disease by virtually removing the alleles from such disorders. When it is used in correct form[...] children born in the future
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have the potentially to be purely "healthy" and carry no signs of genetic disease.”(Ahmad)
the use of genetic screening, diseases caused by mutated genes or family passed genes could be cured. Disorders like Down syndrome, Color blindness, sicklecell disease, cystic fibrosis, and
TaySachs disease could all be cured and stopped, by using genetic screening. With Designer
Babies, families will have a benefit in the family health line from each generation. Families would also have