The concept of ethical obligation Ethical obligations are rules and laws by which people are expected to live and adhere to in order to undertake a profession. Most professionals as George tenet belonged to professional organisations which, among other things, are able to discipline people for interfering in the ethical obligations and suspend or expel them from practice if the interference is serious enough.
Identify four cross-coded ethical dilemmas facing former CIA Director George Tenet and assess their impact on his leadership abilities. There were many ethical dilemmas experienced by the former CIA Director George Tenet, among which were the violations of national and international human right policies. He was also faced with the ethical dilemma of being honest to his colleagues, more so his field officers, and most significantly the entire nation. All along he knew that the statements about Saddam Hussein and chemical weapons were false, but he went along with them and cost American families over four thousand lives. His mediation talks between former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was an ethical concern. Some people within the government did not think it was right for the tenet to play such a significant role, and it caused doubts in his cabinet and the administration. He also had ethical dilemmas of loyalty; he started ignoring his field officers foundations and went for the administrations baseless stories of WMD and thus the subsequent war in Iraq. There was a reference in our readings by Stillman that as public administrators climb higher in organizational hierarchy, they must contend with an increasingly intense tug and pull of competing ethical obligations, which in the end caused George Tenet to resign and also the decline of CIA. George tenet ethical dilemmas had resulted to his colleagues
References: Pfiffner, J (2007). Intelligence and Decision Making Before the War in Iraq in the Polarised Presidency of George w. bush.New York: Oxford university press. Posner, Steve (1998).The spy at wye. Washington post. October 27. New York : Harper Collins. Tenet, G. (2007).At the Centre Of the Storm: my years at the CIA .New York: Harper Collins. Weiner Tim (2007).Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA. New York: Double day.