Computer and Internet Crime
Types of Attacks * Most frequent attack is on a networked computer from an outside source
Types of attacks * Virus * Worm * Trojan horse * Denial of service
Viruses * Pieces of programming code * Usually disguised as something else * Cause unexpected and usually undesirable events * Often attached to files * Deliver a “payload” * Does not spread itself from computer to computer * Must be passed on to other users through * Infected e-mail document attachments * Programs on diskettes * Shared files * Macro viruses * Most common and easily created viruses * Created in an application macro language * Infect documents and templates
Worms * Harmful programs * Reside in active memory of a computer * Duplicate themselves * Can propagate without human intervention * Negative impact of virus or worm attack * Lost data and programs * Lost productivity * Effort for IT workers
Trojan Horses * Program that a hacker secretly installs * Users are tricked into installing it * Logic bomb * Executes under specific conditions
Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks * Malicious hacker takes over computers on the Internet and causes them to flood a target site with demands for data and other small tasks * The computers that are taken over are called zombies * Does not involve a break-in at the target computer * Target machine is busy responding to a stream of automated requests * Legitimate users cannot get in * Spoofing generates a false return address on packets * Ingress filtering - When Internet service providers (ISPs) prevent incoming packets with false IP addresses from being passed on * Egress filtering - Ensuring spoofed packets don’t leave a network
Perpetrators *