HSER 511
DR. Charnetta Gadling- Cole
Abstract This paper will attempt to address ethics and its impact on counseling. Counseling can come in the form of a group or individual private sessions.
Ethics is the principle that affects our behaviors. The impact that ethics has on counseling is different when the counseling is in a group or individual private setting. The challenges that group members and leaders face are different from those of the single session client and their leader. Within this paper discussions will address which type of session counselors prefer to deal with the ethical issues and why. This paper will explore ethics in groups and private settings. It will also explain the differences ethics makes on group therapy compared to individual therapy. Additionally, I will explain how my leadership and personal approach has been influenced by my ethics and the challenges I’ve faced while leading a counseling group as well as individual private sessions.
Ethics Ethics can be defined as a moral; principle that presides over a person’s or group behavior. Ethics can affect people’s make decision making process. It can be viewed as the rights and wrongs that people deal with day to day. What may be right to one person may be wrong to another person based on their ethical view. Ethics stems from the realm of moral grounds and what is taught to you as a child. How important are our ethics? Ethics are important, although they have different values to different people. Ethic is extremely important when people are brought together. Because we have different ethical values people may not see eye to eye on situations and conflicts may occur. Ethics can assist help people from doing what is wrong and helps them focus on what is right. Ethics can help people communicate and function with other people. Many face