Integrity: Without It Nothing Works
I have learned a great deal about the difference between integrity, morality, and ethics. From the article, the term integrity means that it is “a matter of a person’s word—nothing more and nothing less”. It is important that one should know the difference between integrity, morality, and ethics. I learned that integrity is more on the commitment a person makes and keeps to fulfill what he/she said he would do. I feel it poignantly relates to my experience right now as I am writing this article. I am truly grateful once again Brother Preece for this opportunity to submit this article. I’m thankful that you have allowed me to send it till this last day of the year. As I want to be a man of integrity, I am submitting this article today. There are a lot of personal experiences that I can relate to with the concept of integrity. When I was on my mission, I had to commit to never disobey the mission rules. I kept that commitment and I feel that my mission president deems me a man of integrity. I would like to continue explaining some other instances in my life where I experienced integrity. For now, I want to explain the other two concepts of morality and ethics. Morality is of a broader scope. It refers to the principles and ideologies of good and bad behavior expected by the general society. Ethics, on the other hand, refers to expectations of values a group or organization should uphold. Ethics is an integral value—meaning it differs from different social groups to the other. For instance, Catholics might not deem drinking beer as a negative behavior, in fact they might deem it as something worth it for socializing and having fun. However, in the LDS church, we deem it unethical to drink beer because of our belief in the Word of Wisdom. I often had that discrimination in the Philippines with my Catholic friends, laughing at the fact that I abstain from alcohol. But I realize from