Dear MBL2 students
Assignment titles/themes
Each assignment should be given a proper title that reflects the theme. E.g.
“Utilising the CAT-scan approach to the Nestlé product safety issue”.
Contents issues
Generally the case studies were well described and presented. The groups also experienced little difficulty in identifying 1) ethical issues and 2) stakeholders affected. The generation of options could, however, have been more creative. Utilisation of your moral imagination? In many assignments the options generated were listed as for of five options, were these were, however, merely components of a single options. Some groups’ action plans were too narrowly described. What, for example, could the organisations in question do to build ethical cultures and prevent similar issues from re-occurring? In the “Defending the moral framework” section, the ethical tests suggested by Carroll and Buchholtz (2006, pp 225-227) could have been utilised to justify the option that was chosen.
Very few groups conducted a proper literature study. It is non-negotiable that masters level students incorporate a solid theoretical foundation into their assignments. Identify and procure good, scientific sources, and integrate and cite these properly continuously throughout the assignment. (Please note: Wikipedia is NOT a scientific source). For example, if the theme your case study was product safety, why not include literature on the ethics of product safety?
Many assignments contained summaries of the literature used. This clearly evident when a source is cited at the end of a paragraph. If that reference applies to the whole paragraph, and not only to the last sentence of the paragraph, you have merely been summarising. Try to include two or three good references in each paragraph when you discuss theoretical issues, ideas and concepts.
There was generally major