In the case of mysterious roses am depicted as director of sales. Who is possibly handling a situation revolving around possible harassment. Gayle Dornier had been receiving anonymous flowers and another employee (Bill Witherspoon) is suspected of being responsible. Gayle has requested me for a personal meeting regarding a confidential matter. The ethical issue presented here is how to ensure that Gayle can talk about what happened while meeting your responsibility as a manager to treat all employees fairly in an investigation. To arrive to my decision I followed different steps in the Baird model. By being attentive to what was happening in regards to the situation. After I used being intelligent to determine my stakeholders while looking at the big picture of what was the exact problem. In the next step, be reasonable I examined the situation using different lenses. Where I determined what would make each stakeholder happy while keeping my responsibilities in mind. The next step is being responsibility where I make my choice after which I reflect on my choice using different lenses. These lenses are rights and responsibilities lens, result lens, relationship lens or the reputation lens. I used two lenses namely rights/ responsibility and result lens to access the situation. The rights/ responsibility lens helps us take a decision rationally as I allow Gayle to maintain responsibility for her own actions while fulfilling my duties. On the other hand result lens is
In the case of mysterious roses am depicted as director of sales. Who is possibly handling a situation revolving around possible harassment. Gayle Dornier had been receiving anonymous flowers and another employee (Bill Witherspoon) is suspected of being responsible. Gayle has requested me for a personal meeting regarding a confidential matter. The ethical issue presented here is how to ensure that Gayle can talk about what happened while meeting your responsibility as a manager to treat all employees fairly in an investigation. To arrive to my decision I followed different steps in the Baird model. By being attentive to what was happening in regards to the situation. After I used being intelligent to determine my stakeholders while looking at the big picture of what was the exact problem. In the next step, be reasonable I examined the situation using different lenses. Where I determined what would make each stakeholder happy while keeping my responsibilities in mind. The next step is being responsibility where I make my choice after which I reflect on my choice using different lenses. These lenses are rights and responsibilities lens, result lens, relationship lens or the reputation lens. I used two lenses namely rights/ responsibility and result lens to access the situation. The rights/ responsibility lens helps us take a decision rationally as I allow Gayle to maintain responsibility for her own actions while fulfilling my duties. On the other hand result lens is