Finance means fund or other financial resources; it deals with matter related to money and the market. The field of finance refers to the concept of time, money and risk and how they are interrelated. Banks are the main facilitators of funding. Funding means asset in the form of money. Finance is the set of activities that deals with the management of funds. It helps in making the decision like how to use the collected fund. It is also art and science of determining if the funds of an organization are being used in a right manner or not. Through financial analysis, any company or business can take decision in making financial investments, acquisition of company, selling of company, to know the financial standing of their business in present, past and future. It helps to stay competitive with others in making strategic financial decisions. Finance is the backbone of business; no business can run without finance.
Ethics is the study of human behaviour which is right or wrong. In general, ethics means doing right things to others, being honest to others, being fair and justice to others. Even ethics in finance is a compartment to general ethics. Ethics are very important to maintain constancy in social life, where people work together with one another. In the process of social development we should not be conscious of ourselves but also conscious to take care of others. Ethics in general is concerned with human behaviour that is acceptable or "right" and that is not acceptable or "wrong" based on conventional morality. General ethical norms encompass truthfulness, honesty, integrity, respect for others, fairness, and justice. They relate to all aspects of life, including business and finance. Financial ethics is, therefore, a subset of general ethics.
Ethical norms are essential for maintaining stability and harmony in social life, where people interact with one another. Recognition of
Bibliography: john r. Boatright, ethics in finance,third edition,page no.2