Workplace ethics are codes of conduct that influence the development of an ethical culture within the workplace. Going beyond what is considered legal in the area where the business operates, workplace ethics inspire communication between employees, allow for respect to be extended to each person within the organization, and promote customer relationships that are based on honesty and integrity. While there are core elements that tend to define a work-based code of ethics, the specific expressions of these central values vary from one corporate setting to the next. It is important to remember that workplace ethics are shaped by two important factors. First, workplace policy must be in harmony with all laws and regulations that are currently in force in the jurisdiction where the business operates. This helps to ensure that basic workplace ethics preclude any pressure or coercion to engage in actions that are considered to be illegal, promote discrimination in the workplace, support unfair hiring and firing practices, or allow wages to be set that are below the minimum legal standards for the area.
Along with being shaped by laws and regulations, workplace ethics are also influenced by business ethics For example, ethical business practices would include actions such as not using marketing materials or campaigns that mislead consumers. Workplace ethics would also involve establishing and operating support networks such as wellness programs that help employees be healthy and happy. Ethics of this type would also involve the conscious effort to cultivate a working environment where people want to come to work and be productive because of pride in what they do for a living. While businesses tend to comply with laws and regulations set by local jurisdictions, not every company sees the need to develop workplace ethics that affirm the worth of employees and motivate them to be productive on the job. When a company chooses to do no more than what is