Evaluate theories of cognitive development and learning
There are a range of psychological approaches linked to the study of education. The development of cognitive theories and behaviourist theories are used to evaluate and explain the learning process and how these can be linked to education.
Piaget’s (1952) theory of cognitive development, suggests that children think in different ways to adults, due to cognitive development and the stages individuals develop at. Piaget (1952) argued that intelligence develops due to biological progression and ensures the adaptation of a child to its environment. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (1952) focuses on development and how a child thinks. Piaget (1952) defined a schema …show more content…
Kohlberg (1958) outlined three levels of moral reasoning, including pre-conventional morality, conventional morality and post-conventional morality. These levels consisted of six stages, stage one: obedience and punishment orientation, stage two: Individualism and exchange, Stage three: Good interpersonal relationships, stage four: Maintaining the social order, Stage five: social contract and individual rights and stage six: universal principles (McLeod, 2011). This theory is similar to Piaget’s cognitive development (1952) as it sets out stages a child develops at and argues, each stage has to be reached in a set order, ensuring progression to the next stage. Each stage that was set out by Kohlberg (1958) links directly to Piaget’s (1952) stages of cognitive development, meaning that when a child reaches a stage cognitively, their moral reasoning also develops. However as Kohlberg’s (1984) findings are all based on male morality, his theory is therefore gender biased and cannot be linked directly to females, whereas Piaget (1952) incorporated both sexes making his finding and theory more reliable (Fleming,