Leadership style
What is leadership?
Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task". For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others, while others define leadership as "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal".
Studies of leadership have produced theories involving traits,[2] situational interaction, function, behavior, power, visioning values,[3] charisma, and intelligence, among others.
Leadership style is a form of cross situational behavioral consistency. It refers to the manner in which a leader interacts with his or her subordinates. More specifically, dimensions of leadership style depict the way in which a leader (a) attempts to influence the behavior of subordinates (Goal Attainment Function); (b) makes decisions regarding the direction of the group (Adaptation Function); and (c) his or her balance between the goal attainment function and the maintenance function of the group. Listed below are three different ways in leadership style has been defined.
Leadership Style is most often viewed as a dependent variable where the focus is on how does leadership style influences individual behavior, attitudes, and group/organizational performance. The Determinants of Leadership Style approach asks what factors influence a given leader's dominant style and how is leadership style developed. Below is a listing of the various cognitive, behavioral, and dispositional approaches suggested in the literature. In other words, why does a leader use a