The behavioral approach to leadership suggests that the leader’s behavior, not the leader’s personal characteristics, influence followers and that leaders are taught. Behavioral theories are theories proposing that specific behavior differentiate leaders from non- leaders. The main behavioral models include the Theory of Lewin, Lippit and White (1939), McGregor’s Theory (1960), the Managerial Grid Model of Blake and Mouton (1964) and the Ohio State University of Michigan Models (Bass, 1990). There were four main styles that appeared from the different studies conducted. These styles were production oriented, employee oriented, directive leadership and participative leadership.
The production oriented leader tended to emphasize the technical or task aspects of the job. They look for high levels of productivity, and ways to organize people and activities in order to meet those objectives. This style of leadership works well with an organization which is mainly concerned with getting the task done and does not look at employees concerns. Therefore organizations whose main goals are about producing output and getting the work done and not about employees concerns will usually have this style of leader. By contrast, employee oriented leader is one who emphasized interpersonal relations. These leaders take a personal interest in the needs of their subordinates and accepted individual differences among members. Leaders look upon their followers as people - their needs, interests, problems, development. They are not simply units of production or means to