Scott Jones
EDA 575
Dr. Betty Nardelli
September 17, 2014
The leadership theories at the location I have chosen have not only been vastly different, but have actually adjusted and changed as both the leader’s time has been extended and the location’s needs have changed. Although there have been “outward changes” in the leadership styles, I do not believe those changes actually represents the leader’s foundational beliefs which I believe, at their core, follow the “directive” leadership theory.
I completely agree with, support, and like the “directive” leadership theory/style (Hoyle, 2006). I think many involved in education tend to prefer a leader who is a firm believer in the “directive” theory. In …show more content…
Not only was this style conducive to the junior high level, but it fit the circumstances of the school needs at the time. In this instance, the leader was “wined and dined” out of the mid-west specifically to fix a school that had veered “off-track” during a multi-year period of either non-existent or completely Laissez-Faire school leadership. This location was made up of mostly veteran faculty members who were pretty set in their ways. In addition, the location had also been going through a clientele transition – fewer upper middle class kids were enrolling while more immigrants and non-English speaking students were moving into the area. Finally, during this same time the entire district had begun transitioning from traditional 7th – 9th grade junior highs to a middle school philosophy with only 7th and 8th graders. All of these challenges fell to a new school leader who needed a strong directive …show more content…
The school and faculty began to run as they were directed – not as they desired. As I was also new that first year, I personally had little to no issue with what she was doing, how she was leading, or what changes were being instituted. Most of the faculty, however, where quite put out by the changes and adjustments to the school culture. The new school leader handled it in pretty much the best way anyone could have – she outwardly exhibited little sympathy or compassion because she had been charged with repairing a sinking ship. Those who were most unhappy were encouraged to move on (or basically told they had to go), while those who were unsure were allowed to check out the job climate before making a decision whether to stay. During that first year, there was no discussion regarding the changes in the vision, mission, and culture that was being implemented to improve the running of the