Validity Scales in Personality Assessments A validity scale is designed to measure a type of response style which may affect the overall validity of interpreted test data (Cohen, Swerdlik, & Sturman, 2013). A validity scale can be thought of as a subscale of a test which can assist in making judgments about the honesty, dishonesty, or level of understanding a test taker displays when taking a test. In addition, …show more content…
This means that several forms of validity, including overall validity, have the potential to be affected by validity scales on personality assessments. Furthermore, assessing test takers’ response style is not divergent from the overall purpose of a personality test, which is to understand, measure, and evaluate various psychological characteristics and behavioral traits (Cohen et al., 2013). Other methods to confirm test takers’ self-reported information, such as using peer raters, have been offered; however, these methods are not always feasible or readily available, which makes validity scales an obvious choice in these situations (Goth et al., 2012). Ultimately, including validity scales in personality tests would be wise, since it is still possible to use other methods like peer raters, but it would be much more difficult to add validity scales after