Evaluation of environmental decision and information support tools: from adoption to outcome
B.S. McIntosh a, b b International WaterCentre, Brisbane, Australia Smart Water Research Centre, Gold Coast, Australia Email: b.mcintosh@watercentre.org
Abstract: The value of environmental decision and information support tools (DISTs) and technologies is located in the impacts that the use of such technologies have on the behaviour of individuals and organisations, and consequently on our collective ability to negotiate the difficult interfaces between human social and economic activity, and environmental impact. There are significant, but as yet insufficiently exploited opportunities for improving the value of these tools and technologies through the use of assessment and evaluation practices. Iterative and evolutionary tool development processes offer the opportunity to deliberately incorporate user assessment information into design. Doing so can improve adoption and use impacts through better tailoring of tool functionality, output and interfaces to user needs. Managing such processes successfully is demanding and we do not possess sufficient, generalised or published practical understanding of what works and what does not in terms of user interaction. However, there is an emerging understanding of how environmental DIST teams should be structured and a wide body of knowledge yet to be imported from the software, product and interaction design communities, so the future is promising. The evaluation of the impact of using environmental DISTs is more problematic and less well understood, both methodologically and empirically. Our conceptual frameworks for characterising use and identifying where impacts arising from tool use might lie are nascent and require refinement, both to reflect the variety of developmental routes and
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