My parents saw how much I loved riding that dirt bike, so they decided to get me the next best thing, a go-kart. I couldn’t quite perform the same tricks that I could on a dirt bike, but I sure would try. My favorite trick was getting that go-kart to get up on two wheels. I would have to push the pedal to the floor and get the go-kart up to speed before ripping the steering wheel to the left, causing the momentum to pick up the two left side wheels. Once the go-kart was in the air I had a feeling of excitement that also came with a slight fear of flipping, but in the end that fear just intensified the experience.
A friend of mine had two go-karts that we would take off through the woods on. We would explore the woods for hours and find new ways to travel through them in order to get to our favorite spot, which was an open field somewhere in the middle of those woods. I was usually very careful with my friend’s go-kart, but one day I decided to try my most favorite trick. On my first few attempts of ripping the steering wheel to the left I had no luck, so I tried the opposite way. Once I jerked that steering wheel to the right the go-kart immediately went up on two wheels, but it went too far.
As the go-kart was