The aim of this essay is to critically appraise one of the research articles and reflect on what is good evidence based social work practice. Therefore it will have two parts. First part will anaylise the strregnth and weakness provided in the article. Second part will look at an overview of EBP how it fits in social work practice.
Critical appraisal is a systematic way of analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a research article in order to assess the validity and usefulness of it (Young and Solomon, 2009). Hence to appraise Abendstern et al (2011) article, tools such as Basic Evaluation of a Journal Article (BCU) will be used to guide through the process.
The journal clearly indicates that authors of the article have vast experience in this field and is capable and competent in writing on this subject. According to Conkin & Dale (2005) this information is useful as it could indicate if the researchers have knowledge in the area of study and the ability to ask the appropriate research questions.
This was evident in the research question. The title of article is clear, and accurate, which meets the Meehan (1999) set criteria that the title should be about approximately 10 to 15 words long, so that readers are able to understand the nature and purpose of the study. Parahoo (2006)