¥ Brief overview of patient's occupational profile (Include clients dx and age)
J.B. is a 70 year old man who therapy twice a week. J.B. is very committed to therapy and becoming stronger and improving is everyday life. J.B. diagnoses is B UE general weakness, due to the last chemotherapy treatment he received. J.B. has very good memory and shows good attention when it comes to therapy. J.B. is orientation is 4x4. J.B.’s visual functions, hearing functions, vestibular functions, taste functions, smell functions, proprioceptive functions, touch function, and pain are all intact. J.B. has weaknesses in joint stability and mobility, grips, coordinates.
¥ POC goals that you were addressing in the session
JB’s goals in each session consisted of to increase digi flex strength from 3 # to 5 #, to increase wrist curls and extension from 2# to 3#, to work on nut, bolt, and screw a with minimal- to no …show more content…
for J.B. since he is needing to improve his muscle strength, muscle endurance, B UE ROM for occupational performance. This approach will help improve J.B.’s strength, endurance and ROM that will allow him to meet therapist’s goals and his personal goals.
¥ Statement related to how you used Evidence based practice (EBP) research to understand best practice for this client's needs and goals
I implemented the information I received from reading the article Design of the Physical exercise during Adjuvant Chemotherapy Effectiveness Study, which showed effectiveness of physical exercise in improving physical fitness and reducing fatigue after chemotherapy.
¥ Intervention implementation and outcomes – w\What worked like you planned? What did you have to adjust? Professional reflection about the effectiveness of your