In the beginning the food Americans consumed was based upon each immigrant’s nationality and its melding with other immigrant’s cooking. America …show more content…
Ernest Hemmingway once wrote a set of memoirs that spoke of a moveable feast. In this memoir he spoke of how migrants brought a host culture a multitude of diversities in their ways of living and dietary practices. When both the newcomer and the host community open up to each other’s’ divergent practices, for instance try out each other’s’ cuisine, an opportunity to enrich the lives of the host community and their own may be achieved. Hemingway wrote that, “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” By eating foods from different cultural backgrounds and sampling other traditional dishes American identities have expanded and produced intercultural understanding communication. This has helped to facilitate intercultural adaptation and …show more content…
The GMO grown in the United States for Americans consumption has begun to ruin its native plants and take over the habitat. “The artificially created mutations in the laboratory are actually unlabelled and untested. Hence they cannot be totally considered as safe for consumption. Genetic engineering of DNA can start to produce Super Viruses, unnecessary bacteria and can also cause cancers. The creation of GMOs may not work out very well and perfectly as desired always. This can lead to the production of resulting organisms with some unpredictable consequences. The safety about usage of this type of crops or foods is still to be studied in detail. But, the scientists are unable to guarantee the safety of the GMOs