What is Management? Management is defined as the social process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, co-coordinating and controlling for the determination and achievement of organizational objectives in a dynamic environment. Though management as a science is of a recent origin, the art of management existed as old as human society. In the ancient age, management study could not be developed, because of low esteem to the business prevailing in the society. The ancient civilization of Greek, Roman, Mohenzodaro, Harappa has contributed to a great extent towards the evolution of the principles of management. In the middle ages, the town, fairs, market, the trading companies, the agricultural communities, the crafts and guides were found to exist. Though F.W Taylor is known as the father of scientific management many person before him made considerable contribution to the development of management thought Notable among them were James Watt, Robert Owen, Charles Babbage, Henri Robinson Towne etc. In the later stages especially towards the second half of the 19th century many principles and technique concerning management science were published or circulated with due importance in different countries. In this age, the difference schools or approaches were evolved. The different approaches or schools of management thought which were advocated by eminent writers have now been discussed by dividing them into 3 main stages such as
a) Classical Approach (1900-1930) b) Neo-classical Approach (1930-1960) c) Modern Approach (1960-onwards)
In this approach, organization is treated as a machine. It is thought that the efficiency of the organization can be increased by making each worker efficient in it. The emphasis is given more on specialization of performance and co-ordination of various activities. The traditional or classical approach stands on 3 pillars.