By interviewing employees as a group I will be able to ask them as a whole group how they feel about working with Roanoke and what kind of problems that they have been having. I can also ask them if they are having problems with other employees. Also while asking the employees the questions that I have written down as problems within the company and questions on how the employees feel about things, I can also ask the employees what is their opinion on how do they think some of the problems that their having, how can they be solved and bring their ideas to the table as well as my own and come up with a conclusion to solve these problem to make it a better working environment for everyone.
By using the observation method I will be able to observe employees on the job: I will also be able to see how well the communicate with one another, see how well they can handle certain situations under pressure, how fast their productivity goes, and how well they work together as a team. By observing the employees at Roanoke I am able to witness the problems myself to make sure that what I’ve been told is just not hear say in the work place, and that I will have proof of what has been going on with my own eyes.
Step 2A: Surveys
1. Why are some of you the employees threatening to quit? In the past three months employees feel that their creative efforts are being rejected or revised without consultation, and they don’t feel like they’re a part of the collaborative team the employees want to go above and beyond with their creative thinking just not doing their work load. Employees think that if everyone works together as a team we can make things better; I also think that if the employers acknowledge the ones that go above and beyond with their work and reward them with great achievement that employees also would think about leaving.
2. Do you the employees feel that your work load is overwhelming? Seems how all