Chapter 1
Review Questions 1. What is the goal of science?
The major goal of science is to ask & answer questions about the physical universe that we live in.
2. How is observation different from imagination?
Observation gathers only what data is obviously true. Imagination can go anywhere—factual or not.
3. Write an equation in words & then in symbols for the following sentence: The price of coffee beans is equal to the weight of the beans times the price of the beans per pound.
Cost of Beans (C) = Weight of Beans (Wb) x Cost per pound (Cp) (C) = (Wb) x (Cp)
4. Write an equation in words & then in symbols for the following sentence: The change in the number of individuals in a population is equal to the difference between the number of births & deaths.
N = The change in the number of individuals in a population given length of time
B = The number of births over a given length of time
D = The number of deaths over a given length of time
Equation: N = B – D
5. Describe the steps of the scientific method. a. Acquire Data i. Collect data ii. Make observations iii. Experimentation (where, what, when_ b. Develop a Model (i.e. form a hypothesis) iv. Modify, Explain, Expand, & Interpret this Hypothesis c. Test the Model v. Be prepared to modify the hypothesis or reject it entirely
6. By what criteria might you determine whether a question might be answered suing the scientific method?
Determine if an experiment can be set up to factually assess the question. If it appeals to the human belief, emotions, or feelings, then it is not scientifically testable.
7. Describe the difference between basic & applied research.
Basic Research: the simple quest for knowledge & answers to questions, for no particular reason other than to find out how things work and to advance knowledge. a. it is