Title: Research Methodology
Code: POPP 5006
Module Leader: Dr H. Oztel;
Name: Anonymous
Student Number: Pxxxxxxx
Word Count: 1200 ( Excluding References )
Date: 17 April 20xx
Programme: MSc IBM
Table of Content
Title 3
Keywords 3
Aims of Research 3
Background 3
Research Questions 4
Research Design and Data collection 5
Methodology Rationale 6
Resources and Planning 7
Ethics 10
References 11
Title: Team Management Practice in the Public Service Sector: A Case Study of Location Borough Council
Key words: Teams, Public Service Sector, Research and Case Study.
Aims of Research:
The research aims to:
To improve team management skills in the public sector
To investigate the current practice of team management in public sector
Describe better approaches and strategies
To explain the importance of an effective team
Use qualitative and quantitative methodologies to collect data
In today’s business world employees work together as a team and are dependent on each other. Organisations now appreciate the concept of teams and are able to comprehend that people are the most valuable resources (Blake et al, 1987). A team consists of individuals that work together to achieve a common objective with each individual making an impact in the team (Belbin, 2000). Several authors have written on the literature of effective teams and how to managed people. This has helped to improve the awareness and need for efficient teams in organisations. The aim of analyzing the role of team work in an organisation is to determine how effective the team is and to provide constructive feedback (Maylor, 2010).
The Public Sector in United Kingdom is currently experiences budget cuts. According to the
References: Belbin. M. (2000), Beyond the team, Elsevier Butterworth –Heinemann publication, Oxford. Blake .R, Mouton. J and Allen. R (1987), Spectacular teamwork, The Garden City Press, Letchworth. Billy Bateman, F. Colin Wilson, David Bingham, (2002) "Team effectiveness – development of an audit questionnaire", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 21 Iss: 3, pp.215 - 226 Denscombe Marshall. C and Gretchen .R (2006). Designing Qualitative Research, 4th edition, Sage publication, Location. Mason .J. (1996), Qualitative Researching, Sage Publication. Maylor, H Office for National Statistics (2012), Public Sector finances, Statistical bulletin, available from http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/dcp171778_295776.pd , accessed 1 April 2013 Peev