The thought of returning to school for many students is met with duress. For mature students, a multiple year hiatus coupled with rusty academic skills bring amount a feeling of uneasiness. Writing seems to be the most intimidating subject to mature students. Writing and composition courses offered at Los Angeles City College (LACC) are sufficient in assisting its students in improving their writing skills. The opportunity for improvement is supplied by practice, introduction to various forms of writing, and essay samples.
The expression “practice makes perfect,” is true in any skill. Practice is vital for students to become successful writers. The more time dedicated to writing the more on can improve their writing
performance. English courses offered at LACC implement that rule and writing exercises are regularly assigned.
Aside from practice it is essential students are exposed to various writing styles. To be a successful in writing, the writer must be able to distinguish and as well as compose many different writing approaches. The writing and composition courses at LACC expose their students to classic and contemporary writing genres. It is through experiencing a wide array of ideas that one can be inspired to create.
To be a strong writer one also must be a strong reader. Another tool that allows LACC aspiring writers is the reading of sample essay. Students at LACC use sample essays as structural base for their own writing. Writings are directed at the reader. If the writer cannot clearly communicate their central theme to the reader, the essay then must be adapted. At a LACC students are assigned numerous reading assignments so that they may voice their essays to the reader.
LACC critical writing curriculum focuses on implement writing practice, exposure to wide array of texts, and reading. This method of study allows the student to think critically and become successful in writing. Writing courses taken at LACC can be considered valuable in improving a student’s writing skills.