Wonderful news. I hope that you will be able to assist us so that we can move forward in Kellynn's best interests. Here are the answers to your questions. Please contact me if I can provide you with any additional information.
1. Where do you currently live (physical address)? Does Kellynn live with you?
Physical Address: Mystery Lane, Wetherill Heights, Kayenta; 200 yds SE of the Kayenta Water Development in a Grey/White singlewide trailer on the same lot as a beige doublewide trailer with a brown roof.
Living Arrangements: Kellynn and I currently reside with the Gamble family: Ted and Glenda Gamble, (Paternal Grandparents), Armanda Gamble, (Paternal Aunt and current acting guardian/representative payee …show more content…
for Kellynn's SSI), Alex Tutt, (Middle school aged cousin, Alex also has Down's Syndrome), Kellynn, and myself. There are three bedrooms in this trailer with two bathrooms.
I have resided with Kellynn and the Gamble family since August 14, 2015. Prior to this I was employed in Phoenix and lived with Kellynn's sister Nizhoni. Prior to that move from March to July, I resided in Chinle, AZ for the past 20 years, where we are applying for housing with NHA in one of their public rental units.
2. I’m assuming Kellynn has no spouse or children. Is that correct?
Kellynn has no spouse or children.
3. Is Kellynn’s father living? If yes, can you provide his name and address (mailing and physical if possible)?
Kellynn's father's name is William Ted Gamble. The latest post office address we have for him is:
PO Box 2458
Tuba City, AZ 86045
We do not know where his current physical address is. He can be contacted via a message through his parents, Ted and Glenda at: (928) 429-0283 or his sister, Armanda at: (480) 689-3687. We have no reason to believe that he would oppose my guardianship of our daughter.
4. Please provide the names and addresses of all of Kellynn’s siblings.
Nizhoni Rose Takoah Gamble, younger sister, age 23.
3777 East McDowell Road, Apartment 1165, Phoenix, AZ 85008
Stephen Phillip Chee Halwood, younger brother, age 19
3425 Blue Hill Avenue, Gallup, NM 87301
Grayce Lauryn Claw, younger sister, age 14
Post Office Box 991, Chinle, AZ 86503
If we are able to attain a public rental unit with NHA in Chinle, Grayce would then reside with us. She currently lives with her father, Randy Claw, in Lukachukai.
5. Have you discussed the guardianship with the rest of the family (your other children, the grandparents, etc.)? Do they agree that you should be the guardian?
On Monday, October 19, 2015, we had a family meeting to consider the next steps to take on Kellynn's behalf as winter is quickly approaching and to address any concerns or questions the family had medically about Kellynn. Those who attended were: Kellynn's grandparents, Ted and Glenda, Kellynn's aunts Armanda, Tedresa, and her husband Ivan, and her other aunt Terrisita. We attempted to have William participate via conference call but the call dropped twice. I believe his sister Armanda updated him on the proceedings. Also in attendance was Nizhoni, Kellynn's sister via conference call. The family stated unanimously that because of my knowledge and understanding of Kellynn's medical conditions that I should pursue legal guardianship as making medical decisions on Kellynn's behalf would be the priority. They also agreed that as guardian, we would change the representative payee to myself for Kellynn's SSI checks also so as to be considered as income for seeking housing with NHA as soon as possible. I am also pursuing certification as Kellynn's primary caregiver through ZHON Health Care Corporation. I need to attend a fire safety training as well as a food handler's permit training to complete that certification.
6. Please provide information about Kellynn’s learning and physical disabilities. This will be used to inform the court about the main issues, so it doesn’t need to be long and detailed. I mostly just need a general description of the main issues and when they first appeared.
Kellynn is developmentally, cognitively, and visually impaired due to her primary medical condition of Septo-Optic Dysplasia with Panhypopituitarism, Hypothyroidism, and Diabetes Insipidus.
This condition was diagnosed when she was 15 months old. Cognitively, she is at about age 6 and can self-identify herself although she needs full attendant care with hygiene and partial assistance when eating and dressing herself. She also has a seizure disorder and last had seizures on August 11, 2015. That condition was diagnosed when she was a neonate. She is considered to have autistic tendencies and will sometimes display self-injurious behaviors such as picking at her ski1n or pinching herself hard enough to leave bruises. She was most recently hospitalized from September 18th to September 26th with an additional pulmonary condition that is yet to be completely diagnosed but is some form of Interstitial Lung Disease which may consist of a type of fibrosis which is causing her to use only half her lung capacity and requires her to be on oxygen at 1 L/min 24 hours a day from now on. Because the trailer we stay in is only heated by a wood/coal stove and additional space heaters, Kellynn's usage of oxygen means that it would be optimal if we could move into a central heated home. Kellynn must stay at least 8 feet away from the gas top stove, or the wood/coal stove, and even electrical heaters at all times. In a single wide trailer this requirement can be challenging.
Kellynn had been regularly attending the Dine Bi Ina Association for Disabled Citizens Day Treatment Program in Kayenta until her seizures of August 11, 2015. At this time, we have discontinued her attendance until we learn how best to treat her most recent pulmonary condition. It is my hope that she will be able to again attend such a like program in the Chinle area should we attain housing and as her health stabilizes.
7. Does Kellynn have any property? Does she receive any money/benefits?
Kellynn receives $733 each month from SSI. Her representative payee at present is Armanda Gamble, her paternal aunt.
Again, Thank you.
Thedia Michelle Gamble