Atticus Finch, the best lawyer in Maycomb, was sitting nervously in his chair as he waited for the town Judge to arrive in court. Tom Robinson, Atticus’ client was sitting next to him, equally angry as he was scared. “They can’t send me to jail, just because of rumors” he thought “ I really can’t, just because I’m colored don’t mean they can send me to jail, and now my lawyer is a white man and is nearly here for the pay out!” A snarled look came to his face. Atticus saw this gesture and shuddered in discouragement. Atticus was always a true believer in justice for all, feeling everyone should have a fair trial. He was one of the most loved lawyers in Maycomb, that is, before he sided with a black man, over a white. He honestly believed him when he said he didn’t do it. He looked at the townspeople and jury, anger and hatred for Tom and Atticus peered onto their faces. “ Calm” Atticus whispered “they’ll get their own soon Tom, but I know you didn’t do it, and I fought for your rights.” Tom smiled “It’s okay, Mr. Atticus, you did your best, maybe my children will grow up in a better, less racist place” Atticus saw the…