Jonas woke up in a cozy bed in a clinic, wrapped in three blankets, and his head accommodated in soft feather pillows. For a moment he forgot everything that had happened. He looked around and noticed Gabe sleeping soundly next to him. Then, he remembered the nightmarish event that luckily was over. He also remembered his community and wondered what had happened to his family, friends, The Giver, and everything in life that surrounded him.
Back in the Community, the air smelled to truth. The memories returned to the people when Jonas left the Community. The happy memories …show more content…
of love, happiness, sunshine, riding on sleds, and the ability to see colors returned first. Lily couldn’t stop telling how she felt.
“Mom, can you feel the memory of love! Aren’t those colored lights around the tree so beautiful? I want one of those packages wrapped in bright colored papers tied with ribbons that have toys inside!” Lily commented happily. “Wow, I love the color of your sweater.”
The Community was floating in waves of happy memories, while the Committee of Elders was burning on madness.
People were amazed and speechless because of how real and alive those emotions and feelings made them feel. But The Giver knew what was coming next. When the bad memories of sunburn, hunger, the battlefield, and the hunt of elephants returned to the people, they were wide awake. Now they knew what real life was, and they knew the lies behind the Committee of Elders. Now they acquired wisdom from the memories, and they knew what was right and wrong for their lives. Therefore, they accepted the truth in a way The Giver wasn’t …show more content…
The people in the community weren’t sure of what to do. They weren’t willing to let their lives be controlled by the Community of Elders, but they were afraid to rebel, since they had a curfew, and the penalty of any suspicious act was release.
Since the curfew allowed people to be out from one o’clock in the afternoon to four o’clock in the afternoon, Asher went to talk with Fiona.
“Fiona, I feel guilty for ignoring Jonas the day he was trying to say something when we were playing the good and bad guys, “Asher regretted whimpering. “Who knows what else he wanted to say.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” said Fiona rationally. “What matters most is to continue what Jonas wanted. He wanted us to live our lives. He wanted us to feel joy and love. Now we need people to rise against the Community of Elders. I’ll see you tomorrow at three in the afternoon at the Central Park.”
Asher was confused, but Fiona was already gone and didn’t gave him a chance to stop her and her plans. The next day, Asher went to the Central Park, and Fiona was standing in a small stage holding a microphone that was plugged to a speaker.
Asher run towards Fiona, “Fiona, what are you doing?”
“I’m continuing what Jonas has started,” she replied looking at the crowd gathered in front of her.
And before he could argue about the committee of elders and their curfew and release, she started talking to the crowd.
“Listen. As we know, The Receiver left us. He left us because he wanted us to feel real pain and happiness and live our own lives. He didn’t want us to live the lives that the Committee of Elders wants us to live.” as she talked, she could see sparks of wisdom in people’s eyes. “If happiness comes with the company of pain it is worth it. Do you want to live a real life?”
“Yes,” people of the Community answered,
“Then we have to fight against the Committee of Elders!”
The next day, the people of the Community were out in the streets ignoring the curfew.
They were in strike, burning the streets, destroying the city, and threatening the Committee of Elders. The Committee of Elders had a small crew who remained loyal and were trying to stop the rebellion but it was useless. Therefore, the Committee of Elders threatened the Community with a massive elimination of the city, but the Community was uncontrollable and determined to gain their freedom. One day, the determination of the Community led to the assassination of the head of the Committee of Elders. Fiona couldn't believe the Community went this far, but they were on their way to freedom. Without the head of the Committee of Elders, the rest of the Committee didn’t know what to do. Until one member said, “It seems like they don’t have an end. Let’s give them what they want.” The next day, the Committee of Elders declared freedom for the Community but warned that everything they did was for the sake of the Community. Then they applied for
That night, the Community was gathered at the Central Park. Everybody was afraid of the freedom resting in their hands.
“People of the Community,” Fiona started talking. “You don’t have to be afraid. We have to work together, so we can survive and live the lives we’ve been fighting for. The lives Jonas wanted us to have.”
As the time passed, the Community started expanding and growing. Everyone agreed with the new rules, which allowed people to live their lives and eliminated release. Everyone was happy, and deep in their hearts, everyone was thanking Jonas for the sacrifice he had done.