1. How was culture addressed, recognized, or celebrated in the classroom?
The classroom where I am observing does not have any decorations to recognized any culture, yet every culture is represented in the curriculum. For example, the teacher has a poster with children from different countries dressed in their traditional clothes. Another way that different cultures are represented is through books. For example, the class was reading a book called You and Me Together Moms, Dads, and Kids Around the World. This book had images of families from different continents. Another book that represents different cultures is the book called Mmmmm!, by Linda Josefa Kratky. This book was about different families eating food from different countries.
2. How …show more content…
Although all the students are friends and respect each other, the girls rather be with girls and the boys rather be with boys. During carpet time, the girls try to sit together, but the boys are spread throughout the carpet. In my observation, when it was time to share their answers during carpet time, I noticed that a little girl was shy to share with the little boy. After the teacher told the little girl to participate, the girl shared her answer, but with a quiet voice. When students are sharing their answers with the people they are comfortable, their voices are much louder. This usually happens when they are girl with girl and boy with boy. 3. What communication strategies or accommodations were used for students with special needs? (You might discuss the strategies and/or accommodations with the teacher after your observation.)
An example of an accommodation that Ms. Deniz explained to me was about a boy. According to Ms. Deniz, communicating with the little boy needs to be one-on-one. She said that before or after a lesson she sits on the back table and communicates with the little