Odysseus's arrogance later reverses into his best quality, his confidence. Without his confidence Odysseus would …show more content…
Although stubborn is not an envied quality, his stubbornness gave him his determination which later saved his life. Even when Louie was a child he was stubborn. He once displayed his stubbornness by seeking revenge on a teacher, as Hillenbrand explains it, "When a teacher made him stand in a corner for spitballing, he deflated her car tires with toothpicks" (page 7). If something displeased Louie he made sure others knew about it, just as he did in this situation. Without this kind of standpoint Louie most likely would not have obtained his determination. Louie also acted this way towards the police. After he was told to stop, Louie would do it again just to prove he could. This attitude is what led to his determination. Louie's determination is displayed when he says, "A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain" (page 34). This statement demonstrates that Louie is willing to push through the pain if it means reaching his goal later. As most would imagine, it is nearly impossible to survive forty-seven days lost at sea. With that being said, determination is essential to withstand what Louie