Hawaii went into an economic depression and shortly after people decided to overthrow the queen. After they would overthrow her they planned on annexing Hawaii but President Cleveland didn't want to annex Hawaii and refused. For a while longer many people pushed the efforts to annex Hawaii. Finally because of President McKinley Hawaii was annex in 1898 and
became a territory in 1900.
The United States declining to give aid to Hungarian patriots in 1849 is an example of isolationism. Isolationism is pretty much when a country doesn't involve themselves with other ones. Because the U.S. were being isolationist, they didn't give Hungary support for their independence.
The U.S. was focusing more on themselves and their Manifest Destiny. The U.S wanted to split from coast to coast which probably was the biggest reason they did not want to help Hungary.
The United States proposing the Open Door Policy in 1899 is an example of intervention. The Open Door Policy pretty much stated that China will open up and trade with everyone equally.
The U.S. proposed this policy just so that they can save themselves also so that another country wouldn't take over China. The European government did not like this but they weren't able to change it in the end.