1) Imperialist Stirrings
• “yellow press” (Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst)
• Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest = U.S the fittest, take over other nations and make better
• Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
• James G. Blaine and “Big Sister” policy
2) Monroe’s Doctrine and the Venezuelan Squall
• British Guiana and Venezuela disputed their border because of gold
• U.S. sent a note to Britain telling them they were trespassing Monroe Doctrine
• Britain sent something back saying the Doctrine did not exist
• Almost went to war
• Doctrine was strengthened
3) Spurning the Hawaiian Pear
• U.S. always liked Hawaiian Islands.
• Treaties gave U.S. rights to Pearl Harbor
• 1890, McKinley Tariff raised the prices on Hawaiian sugar
• Wanted to annex Hawaii, although opposed by queen, U.S. suceeded by Cleveland took office and said not until he was out of office could annexation occur.
4) Cubans Rise in Revolt
• 1895, Cubans revolt against Spain
• America supported Cubans, but Cleveland would do nothing, yet again.
5) The Mystery of the Maine Explosion
• yellow press war and negative Spanish imagery was big
• February 9, 1898, letter written by Spanish minister to Washington, ridiculing president was published.
• Maine mysteriously exploded in Havana Harbor, America blamed Spain, turned out to be accidental explosion.
6) McKinley Unleashes the Dogs of War
• America wanted war but president McKinley didn’t like war
• Send message to Congress because war with Spain seemed to be inevitable
• Congress adopted Teller Amendment, which would free Cubans if U.S. won
7) Dewey’s May Day Victory at Manila
• U.S. won and took over islands.
8) Unexpected Imperialistic Plums
• Dewey had control but had to wait for assistance and other countries decided to protect their investments
• Troops arrived and took over Manila
• Annexed Hawaii
9) The Confused Invasion of Cuba
• Spanish sent ships to Cuba & blockaded by U.S.
• “Rough Riders” led by Theodore Roosevelt went to Cuba and battled.
10) Curtains for Spain in America
• U.S. found little resistance as fought on land
• Spain signed armistice
• Spain could have won if they had waited a few more months
11) McKinley Heeds Duty, Destiny, and Dollars
• America acquired Guam and Puerto Rico and freed Cuba, but Philippines were a tough choice
• McKinley finally decided to keep the Philippines
• Paid $20 million for their islands
12) America’s Course (Curse?) of Empire
• Anti-Imperialist League, opposed new imperialism of America, members include Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie
• Treaty passed by one vote
13) Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba
• Foraker Act of 1900 gave Puerto Ricans a limited degree of popular government and in 1917, Congress gave them full American citizenship.
• America could not improve Cuba
• Encouraged Cuba to write Platt Amendment
14) New Horizons in Two Hemispheres
• Spanish-American War lasted 113 days
• The war led to a bloody chasm between the North and South.
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