It is very prevalent in our society that inequality comes in all different forms. One could see inequality everyday in gender, races, and even income. Income inequality has been steadily rising for many years and people have become frustrated with this upward trend. In David Leonhardt’s article “Inequality Has Been Going on Forever … but That Doesn’t Mean It’s Inevitable,” the author criticizes this upward trend and describes the different levels of income inequality that exist. Through Piketty’s First Law of Inequality and the education gap between high school graduates and college graduates, Leonhardt preaches the adverse effects on our country due to income inequality.
Leonhardt demonstrates a variety of strengths …show more content…
It became awkward in the beginning as it seemed as though this was a book report being written about Piketty’s book. Although the reference to this book did help to stabilize Leonhardt’s argument, the article may have been too focused on this book. It took the article at least 2 pages to get to the point where we broke away from Piketty's view and his own view was finally shown. This did make the article a little weaker than it could have been. It is prevalent that income inequality is not getting better and something can still be done about it. As Piketty advocates, it would be efficient to aim a global wealth tax at capital inequality to benefit the middle and lower class who are struggling while the upper class thrives. Income inequality has reached an epic high and it is extremely alarming that we have more of this than most other developed democracies. Many believe that it would be beneficial to raise minimum wage, allowing lower income workers to receive more money and better support their families. There are many proposed solutions to this ever increasing problem and it can only be fixed when action is