To Kill a Mockingbird has had a large influence on English Literature and is most definitely Harper Lee's greatest masterpiece. Many topics of human morals have been touched in this novel. To be more specific, the topic of prejudice towards African-Americans in the southern states is a very prominent one. This book reflects reasons why prejudice exists, the inner strength of the black community, and what should have been done to correct this problem. These fit ideally into the theme "beauty and the beast".
There are many reasons why prejudice exists. Some feel that their race is superior to others. An excellent example of this is when Tom Robinson exclaimed that he felt sorry for Mayella. Tom was then to be disrespected by Mr Gilmer when he announced, "You felt sorry for her, you felt sorry for her?" (Mockingbird197). For example, an African-American male may have been reported stealing a VCR and some may assume that all African-Americans are thieves. For instance, "I knowed who it was, alright, lived down yonder in that nigger-nest, past the house everyday. Jedge, I've asked this county for fifteen years to clean out that nest down yonder, they're dangerous to live around sides devaluin' my property." (Lee 175). It has always been human nature to fear something that …show more content…
humans do not understand. When whites first discovered blacks, they did not understand their culture, so they classified them as savages and enslaved them.
In the past, blacks have suffered many dilemmas; however, they have kept pride and spirit throughout their hardships.
Even though whites have oppressed blacks they still welcomed Jean-Louise and Jem open heartedly into their church. Reverend Sykes welcomes Jem and Scout by saying, "Brethren and sisters, we are particularly glad to have company with us this morning. Mr. and Ms. Finch " (Mockingbird120). In the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. it was stated that all should be treated as equals. In other words, the pride of the African-Americans represents the beauty; whereas, the rudeness and intolerance of Caucasian represents the
Atticus has a certain perspective that would be quite efficient in the process of absolving prejudice. His feelings toward blacks are exactly the same as they are for whites, in the sense that he treats everyone with respect as stated by Dill, "Well, Mr Finch didn't act that way to Mayella and old man Ewell when he cross-examined them." (Mockingbird pg.199). This is surprising for his generation because they were known for being racist. Other methods that could have corrected this situation are similar to the protest of Malcolm X. A further explanation would be the mass education to the white and black public about the injustice of the treatment of the black community.
Martin Luther King Jr. did not want revenge against the whites but only to correct this oppression peacefully, Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere . Prejudice exists because of ignorance, inner strength in the black community exists because of oppressors, and prejudice has been nearly abolished, in our area, because our generation has been taught equality.