With all the knowledge gained from the three ghostly visits, Scrooge successfully transformed from an avaricious miser to an jolly elderly man. The realizations and regrets the first spirit planted in him propelled him towards becoming a better man. The knowledge of the Christmas spirit shown to him by the Ghost of Christmas Present made Scrooge realize what he should do and how he should redeem himself. The grim reaper finally showed him his ominous fate if he does not achieve redemption, therefore, forcing him to redeem himself through fear of his
With all the knowledge gained from the three ghostly visits, Scrooge successfully transformed from an avaricious miser to an jolly elderly man. The realizations and regrets the first spirit planted in him propelled him towards becoming a better man. The knowledge of the Christmas spirit shown to him by the Ghost of Christmas Present made Scrooge realize what he should do and how he should redeem himself. The grim reaper finally showed him his ominous fate if he does not achieve redemption, therefore, forcing him to redeem himself through fear of his