A time when I experienced role ambiguity, role strain, and role conflict was when I had begun working at my first job at Dave’s Soda and Pet Food City. During my first week of work I was still getting used to what my job was, the terms used by the other employees at the store, and where items were located inside of the store. This caused many instances of role ambiguity as I wasn’t always certain what it was I was supposed to do, such as when I was first told to face the store after closing. The longer I worked at Dave’s however the clearer my exact role was, and I eventually learned that facing the store meant organizing it. During busy hours during the wee Dave’s could quickly become hectic, and it was during this time is when I would experience the most …show more content…
role strain.
Role strain took on many different forms during this time, such as being told to complete more than one task at the same time, have several different customers come and ask me questions before I could finishes helping who I was with first, and being called to help deal with random accidents that happened both in the back and on the floor. No amount of experience ever made rush hour less stressful, and the only way to deal with the amount of work that piled up during this time was to have faith in your fellow employees to help you. Role conflict was also prevalent during my statues as an employee, and no time more so than when I had to decide between spending the fourth of July with my family to go see my grandmother, or work during one of the busier weekends at Dave’s. I had to choose between being with my family, or going to work on a day that I would be needed to help out on, but after much consideration I had decided that family was my golden statues and I asked for the day off. The roles that come with are statuses are important to up hold, even when managing between them means prioritizing some roles
over others.
Page 102#2
Bureaucracy is a system of dividing work amongst different departments, and many different organizations use a bureaucratic model, including Becker College. There are many different departments within Becker College that help it to keep running smoothly, such as the Athletics department that handles different sporting events, the Academic Affairs department is in charge of ensuring the quality of both new and old academic programs. The different academic departments are also each divided into their different field to help divide the work that each department is required of. With each of the academic departments in charge of the students within their field, and Academic Affairs is in charge of the different academic departments the division of work is equal and organized. Keeping an organized division of work and responsibility is the goal of bureaucracy, but if there is too little or too much bureaucracy, then the system will fail.
Bureaucracy is a system that thrives on balance, and if that balance tips to far one way, then it becomes ineffective. If Becker was less bureaucratic then there would no longer be an equal distribution of work, and that would mean there would be less departments doing the same amount of work that is expected now. If this were to happen then the flow of business would take longer, and less essential work would be done on time. On the other side, being even more bureaucratic would be bad for the flow of business. Creating more departments to do work that is not needed slows down how fast information can travel from one department to another, overseers above those departments would also have more work to do as they try and organize every one underneath them. Having a balance of bureaucratic departments allows for work to be done quickly and efficiently, without having to many unneeded steps to slow down the process.
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The statement “Society is socially structured” has the simple meaning that society is structured in a way that benefits human’s social behavior. By hour very nature humans are social creatures, but we also desire stability and predictability as well. From the desire for social interaction, stability, and predictability the building blocks of society are created. Statuses are formed within societies to give a clear basis for where individuals stand within their society. Clear roles are then given to people with certain statuses to dictate how they must interact within society. Organizations and institutions are a social creation that brings people together into a productive, social, but also organized, with clear statuses and roles with in them for people to fallow. All facets of human society are put in place to help to help further the social progression of that society, but is done so in an organized manner that is easily comprehended by the human mind.
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“Who am I?” I am a son, I am a brother, I am a grandson, and I am a student, these are the statuses that define me, and the roles that I must fulfill as part of these statuses are what drives my actions. The roles that I must fulfil as a member of my family are helping when some is in need within my family, helping to clean the house that we live in, as well as spending time with my mom, my dad, my sister, and my Nonnie. But also as a student I must say diligent with my work, to study, and to keep up to date with all of my assignments. Between my different roles from my different statuses numerous role conflicts arise in my life. As a part of a decently large family it can be hard balancing time to make sure that I spend enough time visiting with everyone in my family. The conflict of dividing my time with my family, as well with making sure I keep up with my chores has become increasingly more difficult with my enrolment of college, and the new roles that I must now uphold as a student at Becker College. With the different classes, and the numerus assignments that each of my classes assigns to me, it can be hard to creep up with each of my assignments, and to hand teach assignment in on time. The role conflict not only appears inside of a single status, conflict also arises between mutable statuses. Balancing school work and spending time with my family every other week is just one example of roles from different statuses conflicting with each other. Balancing and prioritizing different roles is an essential life skill that helps to organize all the aspects of life that make me who I am.
Page 105#4
Reference groups help to from the bases for the standards that we set for ourselves and others. A reference group that has a huge impact on the standards I set for myself is my family. As a member of my family I have developed a high standard for how well I do in school. Within my family it is expected that in school I earn nothing lower than a B in my grades, even though most people in my school group or friend group would be happy with only a C. Most of my morality for respecting hard work and a belief that everyone should have an equal chance of succeeding in life, no matter what their background is, comes from my family. Another reference group that has a large effect on my morals is the liberal party. As a liberal party, I believe that it is wrong to oppress transgender people, people of different ethnic background, people from a low-income background, and people of different sexual orientations. The liberal belief in equality is both a quality that I hold others too as well as myself, for I believe it is the character of an individual that matters, not their orientations or backgrounds. Reference groups help to shape a beliefs and morals, but you don’t have to be formerly a member of a group for it to be a reference group.
Reference groups can be groups that you aspire to become a part of, as long as you have a drive to fit the standards of that group. By having a group that you aspire to become a part of an individual may change their attitudes, priorities, and even their morals to better soot the group that you want to become a part of, these types of reference groups are called normative reference groups. Normative reference groups could be a job that you want, or a club or sports team that you want to join. For me a major normative reference group in my life is the job of psychologist. With psychology as a reference group I have tried to become better and psychoanalyzing people, and understanding the problems of people that I normally wouldn’t be able to understand. One year ago, Becker College was a normative reference group that affect me greatly. For the past year I had begun to work even harder in academics to hopefully meet the expectations of Becker, as well as getting more active with my community, to better match Becker’s agile mindset. Reference groups are power parts of our social world, and which reference groups we connect to the most can greatly affect how we think and behave.