Mostafa Istanbuli: 42758
American University of Sharjah
Every student hates exams and the tension it applies to students when undergoing any exam. Many people agree to the notion of abolishing exams, and not depending on them as a measure of how much do students understand the course. First thing on why some people would agree with not abolishing exams is that they give the teacher a solid idea on whether the student understands the material of the subject the students are taking. To be able to continue later in other related subjects one must fully understand the subject he or she is currently taking, and to make sure that the student understands the material he or she must be tested by the material. Exams help the teacher or instructor examine the student 's level of understanding in the subject the student is taking. According to a study done in Germany on whether exit exams help teachers know how much do students understand the subject they are taking, it shows that exams improve and help teachers assess students’ level of education (Jürges, 2012). Second main point on why some people agree on applying exams is that it keeps students up-to-date with the material they are taking, and makes them study the material taken, without exams students less likely tend to study, and rather prefer to just chill and waste their time. As a student myself when I don’t have any quizzes or exams I don’t sit and study I tend to go out and have fun with my friends. A study done in German schools which compares the educational level of a group of students who have exams, and students who don’t have exams. The study shows that students who had exams had higher level of education and were more likely to study, unlike students who didn’t take exams (Neumann, 2011). Now moving to the last point on why students should undergo exams is that it resembles a summary of all the material taken throughout the year, and students tend to keep in mind
References: Neumann, M., Trautwein, U., & Nagy, G. (2011). Do central examinations lead to greater grading comparability? A study of frame-of-reference effects on the university entrance qualification in germany. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 37(4), 206-217. doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2012.02.002 Jurges, H., Schneider, K., Senkbeil, M., & Carstensen, C. (2012). Assessment drives learning: The effect of central exit exams on curricular knowledge and mathematical literacy. Economics of Education Review, 31(1), 56-65. doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2011.08.007