Our topic today is in the statement, “Excellence is a choice.” What does that mean? What is excellence? Excellence means the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. Anybody can be excellent in something even if it’s in a sport, hobby or in school, but it’s their choice to be excellent. In order to be excellent you must work hard, make good choices, and most importantly, think before you do. Many people do things that they’ll regret in the future, but it’s because they don’t think before they act. For excellence you have to be focused on your goals and always do your best to achieve them.
Not many people want to put in the work to be excellent. Instead they tend to do what is easy, because it doesn’t require hard work, but this will probably not lead them to a good future. You must always do your best to be excellent, because nobody just wakes up one day being excellent. Not everybody thinks that they can be excellent, well if they don’t their selling themselves short and showing fear. Overcoming the fear that holds you back will be the most liberating feeling in your life. Striving for excellence does not mean that you must be perfect. It means that you use your talents, abilities, and skills in the best way possible. A classic example of excellence is the soccer player David Beckham he may be past his best now, but even when he was at his highest, he was one of the few players at Manchester United and Real Madrid who used to come back in the afternoon for extra practice at free-kicks. It was his everyday attempt at being excellent what made him one of the most successful soccer players in the world. He realized that every day was a gift and didn’t let any of it go to waste.
If you look at any successful person, Mozart, Shakespeare, you would realize that the only reason why they were able to be successful