The Learning Lab Denmark Experience
Created in January 2001, the Learning Lab Denmark Experience (LLD) is a research institution, initially funded by the Danish Government, with the mission of doing "cutting edge research in the areas of learning, knowledge creation and competence development" .
LLD encompasses six consortia, focused on research in practical and theoretical fields, a secretariat that oversees daily operations and a board of directors. The organization is affiliated with the Danish Pedagogical University (DPU), which administers its finances and charges LLD a percentage of its revenues.
LLD aims to by different from other public organizations, traditionally slow unprofessional and bureaucratic.
Since its creation, LLD has been experiencing many challenges and facing managerial problems. Given its complex organisation, the most critical managerial problem is the lack of unity and coordination inside the organization (which means among the consortia and between the consortia and the secretariat).
Indeed, the different stakeholders of the organization hardly move on the same direction, even if they theoretically share the same goal. There are strong tensions organization-wide: the members of the different consortia try to impose their individual view of the way things should be done, the consortium directors and the brokers resist each other's initiatives and LLD' s managers and employees don't want to be considered as a part of DPU.
This coordination problem leads to a major efficiency issue, and many employees and outsiders are disappointed by the large gap between LLD' s expectations and its results.
As for the causes of the problem, it is partly due to a lack of clearly defined processes for achieving results, a lack of guidelines from the managers who supervise the researchers and a lack of feeling that the different parts of LLD have a common interest.
To reach its goals in term of excellence and reposition itself