Executive Summary
Proposed Online Application for Fantastic Five T’shirts
Fantastic Five T’shirts is a small company that specializes in custom designed t’shirts and does business primarily based on word of mouth advertising on a local level. Fantastic Five T’shirts desires a website which will allow them to expand their customer base and net greater profits. Unlike other custom t’shirt companies, Fantastic Five T’shirts will allow the user to choose images from a large database of licensed images, choose shirt color, text, and order as few as one shirt or as many as 500.
Fantastic Five T’shirts is in need of a website that will allow them to sell their t’shirts online in addition to their current brick and mortar arrangement. This application will need to allow customers the ability to view the products and services available as well as allow for online ordering through the use of a shopping cart application. Also, Fantastic Five T’shirts will need to be able to accept and process payments via credit card or PayPal through the same shopping cart. These processes are currently achieved through face-to-face contact with customers. This online application will automate the selection and ordering process which will allow the staff at Fantastic Five T’shirts to devote more time creating the t’shirts.
Fantastic Five T’shirts will also need access to a database in order to maintain records of customers and their purchases. This will be accomplished through an online customer registration process which will allow new and returning customers the ability to