An abortion, defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is a “medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus.” In simpler terms, anyone who has had an abortion has inhumanly murdered an innocent child. “Every single day, (abortion) kills more Americans than were killed on 9/11. Every single year, (it) kills about as many Americans as have been killed on all the battlefields in all of the wars in U.S. history combined. Abortion is a national disgrace. Overall, more than 50 million babies have …show more content…
Life starts when two reproductive cells unite. It is false to say that life begins when a baby is born. If they aren’t alive, then why do women kill them? Babies start as a tiny embryo, and they grow and grow. They are born, then they keep growing into an infant, and then a child, and then eventually an adult. The only difference between the embryo in the womb, and the adult lots and lots of nutrition and say 20 years time. “Abortion (is) murder (because) the being inside the mother is living. The definition of something living includes the ability to grow, which is exactly what is going on inside a woman who is pregnant. An abortion ceases the growing process, therefore ending the future life of a human being. This little being may not start off with a heartbeat or brain activity, but cells are still dividing and allowing it to grow.” (Ross,