These ideas have a larger impact today than what is visible on the surface.
If you look at American money there is latin written on it most if not all of the time. The five dollar bill says e pluribus meaning “out of many”. Every state even has a latin phrase they use to represent them. Ohio’s latin motto is “apud Deum autem omnia possibilia sunt.” meaning “with god all things are possible”. The world today can’t truly be what it is without the substance of Greek and Roman mythology. One of the most beloved cartoons is Spongebob, in this cartoon, the King of the sea is Neptune/Poseidon and that is what the sea creatures call their King.
Many things created are used have great relations to mythology. There is a new virtual reality system that goes under the name of Prometheus. That is rather symbolic. Prometheus helped man advance in technology and this name choice is a comparison of the virtual reality pushing the world further. Apollo, the famous missions to the moon are named after the sun god. Apollo riding his chariot across the sun seems like a real inspiration to us